Improve Your Photography Classes (IYP)

September 10, 2024



Click to open IYP Registration Form

You may pay online using PayPal (You must still mail in the registration form.)


The Photo Arts Club of Toledo presents its  “Improve Your Photography” seminar. If you want to go beyond shooting snapshots and start creating photographs, this seminar is for you.  Appropriate cameras include Digital SLR’s, mirrorless and point and shoot cameras that have the capability of non-automatic modes (manual, shutter priority and aperture priority).

Classes are held on 3 consecutive Tuesdays at 7 PM at the clubhouse.  You can send an email to with inquiries. 

For more information contact Jack Myers (

Note: Camera, fully charged battery and manual are recommended for all sessions.

Week 1 - Camera 101

In this session you will explore the basic menu items and how to navigate your way through them to get to the settings you need. You will learn how to use different shooting modes from automatic to manual.

Week 2 - Exposure 101

In this session you will learn how lens apertures, shutter speeds and ISO inter-relate in a properly exposed photograph. We will explore the various metering modes. 

There will be a Composition section, that will demonstrate techniques for controlling the contents of your photo, to raise it beyond a snapshot, by increasing its impact, and keeping the viewer's attention where you want it.

Week 3 - Hands-on day

 We will be outside the classroom practicing with your camera.

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